Friday, 27 November 2009

What's Your Equation?

Women, for the most part, continue to define themselves with words like 'Mom, Wife, Friend, Sister, Daughter'. I'm here to rock that boat baby! Your assignment (should you choose to accept it) is to excavate 3 special words that define you (without using those mommy/wifey words I've listed). Who are you, really? What gets you hot? What makes your back shiver and your loins burn? What gives you a tingling tummy and a racing heartbeat? I have discovered - in part from living 50 years - and also through creating Liberty Post, that I am most certainly "Photographer + Blogger = Cultural Producer". Let me explain: I love imagery and making imagery which I love to share with others, make for others and publish for others = Photographer. Blogging captures all the things I dig. Writing, publishing, social media, magazine-like behaviors, dialogue, feedback, ego-stroking (recognition), vulnerability (like this!), the Internet, photography, editorial, expressing my viewpoint = Blogger. Because I photograph and blog I am producing cultural content for the world = Cultural Producer. (A worthy vocation I might add) The things I have, am and will produce don't necessarily need to be online either. All these activities that rock my epicenter will extend into the 'real world' through guest speaking, arts events, workshops, products, books, consulting, videos, podcasts, advising and a whole host of many other ideas I'm stockpiling. So you. What's your equation?


Jan said...

May I be excused ? (at least for now)
I'll get back to you :)

Anonymous said...

It's hard not to break the rules...but it is your rule so I've been made to pick something...

How about...

Writer + Entrepreneur = Still broke but happy.

Great Post!


Jan, I didn't see you raise your hand. Ahem.


Taylor: Wrong answer. Try again: Writer + Entrepreneur = _____


Taylor, I'm just pulling your W+E leg. There are NO WRONG ANSWERS to this question. Each person decides their own equation.

Angie Muresan said...

Love your header today! Well, everyday to be honest, but today it reminded me that what I forgot in my Thanksgiving dinner were the carrots.
I'm either not smart enough, or not awake enough to complete the assignment. Will have to think about it and come back.

L'Adelaide said...

if you haven't hit my between the eyes with this one, i must delurk long enough to
#1-acknowledge your acumen[think that's right] and
#2 figure out exactly what i am and what fun is that????

if you knew what kind of a day i've had, you'd appreciate this comment a tad more...

i shall return, promise, i WILL take this challenge!

Kitty said...

How about Christmas tree freak + OCD = Saturday convalescent.

Laura in Paris said...

You can me a photographer, designer, chef, writer, makteteer .. and still enjoy being a Mom!