Friday, 16 October 2009

The Most Embarrassing Thing Just Happened To Me

True story. I'm not faking here. It was late. I was hungry and the boys had gone to some (dirty?) Chinese food buffet in the next town over, so I had to get something, right? So fast-food junk it was. I chose Harvey's and pulled in and around the narrow drive-thru. The friendly beach girl crackled in the speaker, 'Welcome to Harvey's How may I help you?' And then it went all down hill from there. Me: 'Ah...I'll have a #3 combo with a Pepsi and fries (I know, I know....bad blogger)...and I'll have 1 chocolate shake (for my Mom) and 1 side order of onion rings.' The girl had to ask me at least 10 times what I had said. At first I thought, my god, I've had a mini-stroke and I'm slurring my words, and then I got ticked off and thought, my god, those teenage beach girls working in there mustn't have any adult supervisor tonight and they're jerking me around for fun and then I repeated my whole order again...and again...and again...have I been transported in some inflatable flying saucer to another 'drive-thru planet'? This went on for what seemed like..oh...75 minutes...alright...I am exaggerating....why can't she hear me?......perhaps...3-4 minutes...why can't she hear me?.....and then I saw a young Harvey's boy in a pressed blue uniform walking towards me. I thought, my god, I did have a stroke and I'm hallucinating.....he leaned into the window and said very calmly, 'Ma'am. You're speaking into the garbage can.'

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Silke Powers said...

Oh, I just read this to my husband and you had both of us laughing out loud! I feel for you - but thanks for sharing!! :) Silke

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Someone needs a holiday!

Robyn said...

So very funny. That is the best belly laugh I've had for a long time.

Claire Kayser said...

OH,just think, you gave all those beach girl workers and the pressed-shirted guy something to laugh about! LOL!!! Thanks, for sharing, Patty!

katiedid said...

HA! Too funny. I am "running" a girl scout meeting about interior design right now (they are teens)and we were surfing the design blogs and came across your story. I am luaghing right now and they are not sure why.

vicki archer said...

Words fail me....that is hysterically funny and I LOVE that you did that LP. Thank you for a laughing start to my morning, xxv.
PS Was the food good??

Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing picturing this- you are too funny!!

hello gorgeous said...

That really did make me laugh out loud. :-)

Jane Hall The Voice of Style said...

This is a hoot..... Got a big smile on my face. After 50 when things like that happen you really don't know if it me or them and you are having another seniors moment.. mentalpause I call it!

Anonymous said...

I love your photo, very funny and soooo nice!

Agneta, the swedish know

T. Powell Coltrin said...

So it's not just me, there are others out there!!


Brenda Pruitt said...

Now that's one to tell down through the generations!

Linda Merrill said...

Now that funny! Thanks for sharing - we've all had those moments!!

life in red shoes said...

That trick is reserved for me Libs.

Di Overton said...

Oh my God how stupid must you have felt? You just made me laugh out loud which is a massive achievement at this time of the morning