I have to write this. I need to get it off my chest. I'm 'blog restless', 'blog bored', 'blog low-esteemed'. I feel as though all of us are going around and around and around in circles; regurgitating all the same stories in different ways. I can't seem to find fresh, originality in my thoughts. We are repeating each other. Plagiarizing one another. Scratching backs, grumbling, applauding...but all the same, same, same. Is it me or do you feel it too? I am uninspired. I am definitely underpaid. Why am I doing this? Why am I 'wasting?' time blogging? Could I not be doing something else remarkably important in my life. Something significant. In the big scheme of life and the world, does all of this really matter or is it just a big blob of blah blah blah; ego-stroking yada yada yada - no breaking news - just cold and (moldy?) blog leftovers. And yes, thousands of new blogs start every single hour! How do we manage the onslaught of images and information. Overload, overflowing, overtired. I fear I'll just say 'that's it, that's all' it's over..shut 'er down..it was a good run. I worry that my blog's purpose for me is dwindling. The light is dimming. And no, I'm not doing this to get you all edgy and shifting in your chair..spilling your latte..and leaving me comments of 'please stay'. That's not the point of my little rant here. The point is: What are we all doing here? What the hell is the point?
"An invisible
red thread connects those who are destined to meet,regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The
thread may stretch or tangle, but it will
never break." -an ancient Chinese belief
Because we enjoy design. Images. Commentary. But by all means take a little, or a long, break, and if something comes up that gets you inspired - well then, blog on!
I TOTALLY hear you. I'm finally getting my mojo back after a several month slog...posting once or twice a week if I was lucky. I don't have the answers, chickie, but these are the things I tell myself. I'm doing this for me; if I don't have it in me to post, I try not to beat myself up. It's a journal. It's notes for a book. It builds my business. It's to make my friends laugh. Take any or all of the above if it helps :) But hang in there. You rock.
We all wax and wane LP and yes, blogging can and does get boring. Read and write only what you enjoy...don't comment or waste time if it doesn't do it for you. I think there needs to be a purpose behind a blog or lethargy and disinterest will challenge us all. I blog to write and keep my thoughts alive in between book projects. It may not be world shaking thoughts or appeal to everyone but thinking about what to write and actually doing it keep me motivated. Writing your blog LP keeps you mentally agile and creative and I think that is why you do it too. xv
Your header today brings back good memories..it is your journal and for that reason (and for that reason only) the blog should continue... however sporadic.
I feel like this EVERY day.
I'm going to say it anyway - please stay.
To create a sense of community. To support, to cheer, to cook together and create beautiful things. To make friends. To get bored. To fall down in a heap.... and to get up again.
Yeah, that's it.
- Suzanne
the crossroads! looks like you just want to lie down in it;) I hear you. i had a moment of that...and i don't make money on my blog - but i know i started it as an outlet and a bookmark of pretty things i liked. there are many times i feel uninspired or i wonder where it's going. that has much more to do with my day job and that whole midlife crisis thing for me;) (which is why i'm responsing and relating!)i like your blog very much, but if it's not making you happy, maybe there is an end to this road and a beginning to another. good luck:) keep us posted.
As a newcomer to the blogging world, I am in awe of blogs such as yours. Mine is such a simple journal of my little world and my creative development. Your blog is so varied, which I find very inspiring! Why blog? I bet the reason for that is different for every person... I, for one, am glad that you do! :) Silke
No one can replace you Libby, it's as simple as that.
Blogging is a way to get to know people and places that we otherwise would never experience in our busy, chaotic lives.
Take a deep breath, come on now, you can do better than that;)
Do what's best for you, we're all friends here.
I write to hurl some beauty out into the ether, as well as to organize all the colours I see in my head. And to please Edward.
I've been going through the same thoughts lately. What purpose does my blog serve? I have a handful of subscribers, but does my blog actually bring anything useful to them? It takes time and energy to blog. It takes even more energy and time to be original. You are right... we are all just rewriting the news that is already out there. But, I guess it is the WAY that we report the news that makes our blogs different (and hopefully interesting). Your candid thoughts, written in black and white, are a testament to being your own person, regardless of what people think. I look forward to your blog everyday. It's actually the first one that I want to read each morning. For me, you provide an awesome no-holds-bar take on life, events and everyday mundane occurances. You see things in a way that I cannot. So, I, among others, don't want you to go anywhere anytime soon.
we all go through this self-evaluation. I think the trick is to not be tied to having to post every day, to go with the inspiration. While regular posting is important for building readership, daily isn't helpful if the posts are forced. Go as the spirit moves you and you'll be fine. Meanwhile - love the new blog header - but watch where you're driving!!!! xxoo L
Does it need to be a purpose in everything we do?
As a writer is live a pretty solitary, reflective life. Blogging connects me to the larger world.
When I have something to show or say, then I show or say it and I'm sure glad there is a place for me to do that. To me it's a way to hold on to thoughts for a little while longer. If I don't feel like posting, I don't. No pressure.
This is quite an inspired post, btw :-)
It is funny you say that... I read your blog because you offer original material, it is not the same recycled cliche every day. It is so nice to read (and see) what you have to offer. You offer truly original commentary and comment. I have been on blog burn-out the last couple of weeks - getting very irritated with the back patting and swapping of images that seems to be going on between bloggers. I hope that you find your inspiration and continue to blog. If not, you will be missed.
You're one of the best, right at the top of my list of amazing bloggers. I love stopping by to see what's groovy and cool - you're like the hip girlfriend that's always ahead of trends, and smart about it. I would miss you but I totally get it...cuz I'm pretty much blogged out myself, I'm boring me! lol
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