Tomorrow will be my 2000th Post !!! Two Thousand....My God. I don't know whether to jump up and down or collapse with happy exhaustion. Do you think I enjoy blogging? I do! Blogging is a great way to get 'in the writing/photography/publishing' zone. It is a terrific way to train yourself for accountability, deadlines, readers' needs/likes/dislikes and 'how to grow a thick skin fast' (or how not to get too big of an ego) There are many posts to choose from, but these 10 seem to be some reader favorites:
If You Slip In The Bathtub
Cracker Jack
The Starbucks Lesson: Experience vs Stuff
This Is Disgraceful
New Book Alert: French Essence
David Letterman: Top 10 Sex List
Urgent: The Domino Effect - The Future of Magazines and Blogging
The Big Announcement: The Holiday Hunt
Lichen Moss & Birch
Canadian House and Home Magazine
and the post that made you laugh (at me)
The Most Embarrassing Thing Just Happened To Me
congratulations!!! i applaud your efforts and love your blog... x pam
congratulations! i am a little behind in my blogging this week, so you're probably well onto #2010 by now, but i just wanted to give you the props!
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