I am the international art detective. Ah, but I hire art officers to assist me in a worldwide effort to solve art mysteries. Big Liberty Hug going out to
Coveiter (gee, you're good. real good) for letting me know that
CasaSugar had the answer to my
question. After
CasaSugar's interview with
Jeremy Conway, it was revealed that Carrie Bradshaw (
hee hee) bought a
Paul Smith wallhanging piece called 'Love Too' from
The Rug Company for her entryway. Oh, how I love that
wallhanging. Don't you think the producers of Sex or the owners of The Rug Company should send me one...just because..?
Photo via
Decor8 from The Rug Company - found on their website under rug design/
wallhangings. (Love Too is top right image - if you click on it you will see the graphic goodness of this masterpiece.)
Thanks for sharing that info. I was curious too.
well done! even better that i can actually see the art you are talking about - it is beautiful indeed. now i know i can turn to you when I have a question like this!
WOW! Thank you for the info.. I have been desperately trying to find this LOVE piece of heart that I feel in love with during the movie. I requested a price list!! Thank you!
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