Sunday 1 March 2009

The Blog Virgin: Will She Quit Blogging or Lick the Plate

I've been thinking a lot about quiting my blog. Thinking a lot that I'm 'not quiting', that is. There have been many blogging friends retiring or slipping away into semi-retirement and I can completely understand it....well, perhaps I am exaggerating this point. (Vicki Archer of 'My French Life' fame has written an enlightening post on this blogging habit.) The stress we put on ourselves to be a perfect blogger is self-imposed, not a 'work sentence' handed to us by our blog pals. Calm down. We don't have deadlines unless we set them. The printing presses don't count. (duh) You can write drafts and publish them any time you want, even while you are sleeping or making love. The blogging world is a very forgiving one and in fact, I have not heard of a blogger ever getting fired (?). We are our own bosses (I love this part) and so, if you are feeling the time crunch or creative burden, slow down, take a deep breath and recharge. We will wait. Take a typing holiday, tuck away those cameras - get away - when you are ready, we will welcome you home. You never know who's life you are impacting. Your blog might even save or improve a life! Imagine that.
In June 2007 I discovered blogs. I was a 'Blog Virgin' back then. The first blogs I read were Posie Gets Cozy, Angry Chicken, Print & Pattern, Cote de Texas and my fellow Canadian, Patricia Gray. I stumbled upon them quite by accident and then I whispered to myself, 'Oh my. What do we have here?' It was like an 'Internet Orgasm'. I wanted more and more and more. I was a blogging adolescent. I couldn't think of anything else. I'd check these 5 blogs several times a day. I hung out in 'sidebars' & clicked from blog to blog to blog. I caught the blogging virus. I was web-promiscuous. I was hooked. My Mom always gave us permission to 'lick the plate' at home if we really, really enjoyed a meal or dessert and so with blogging too, I realized that I will stay as long as readers will have me - I will lick the plate.


Jan said...

If you're having a licking the plate competition - (figuratively speaking) sign me up!
Seriously, love this post.
As for quitting blogging - tried it and failed miserably.
But yes, you're right! I am my own boss (even if it doesn't feel like it, what with the never-ending race going on in the blogosphere)
Giving myself permission to sign off now - catch you later!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I do hope you stay. Your are a daily treat for Edward and me!

Unknown said...

good for you!

Pigtown*Design said...

Please don't go away!

cotedetexas said...

very timely - so MANY ARE quitting or going on a break - Anna, Villa Anna, A.Lament is back now, Studio Annetta is back now, and others that have slipped my mind. My friend thinks I hate blogging - that is such a chore I MUST really hate it like homework. the truth is I love when I think of something to write about - I can't WAIT to write it!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely loved this post! I only started blogging two months ago and am definitely at the 'internet orgasm' stage I'm afraid to say! You've captured the blogging psyche very, very well. Thanks for the enlightening post.

vicki archer said...

Dear LP - how this post of mine has struck a chord and the one thing that has become clear from that is how much we all love blogging however we do it. I agree with you about self imposed pressure but for some it is easier to step back than others. Me, I am 'licking the plate clean' ,whenever I can, adore blogging and all that has come into my life as a result - but I guess I am just a greedy girl! xv

Anonymous said...

I'm going to write a post about this topic soon. You better not go anywhere. I'll bring all kids of delicious plates to Canada if I have to.

life in red shoes said...

I lick your plate. What we have here in blogland is quite unique. We talk, but don't meet. We share, but don't burden. We love, laugh, cry and scream....together.

sealaura said...

YAY! I am glad you are staying because I really enjoy the many surprises that I find when I come over here. I have been blogging for about9 months and I love it. I like what you said about not setting any deadlines or feeling pressure. For me blogging is my creative outlet and my way of getting away from all the crazy and monotony that comes from everyday life. Bottom line, I am so glad you are staying to lick the plate clean.

Teresa @ good-grace said...

THIS is fabulous. Lick the plate, sister... lick the plate. (Great post!!)

Unknown said...

Great just keep licking that plate gal. It would be awful to lose you. I question myself constantly why I am doing this, but the answer is in having a place to share my inspirations and discoveries. I wonder where it will all lead...1 million posts, 2 million posts???///