Monday 5 January 2009

Recylced Plastic Bags: Crochet a Snowflake

Some of you may already know these 3 items, but for those of you who are new to reading Liberty Post (and gee, thanks for stopping by), here goes: 1. I can't knit or crochet to save my soul. Seriously, if all of us were going down on a ship and God said 'if you can knit or crochet something, I will save you', we would all perish. 2. Much of my traffic comes from 2 keyword searches a) Nelli Roono (WARNING: that's an Xrated link....close one eye) - (the girl with ginormous breasts - and I'm pretty much flat) and b) Crochet Snowflake Patterns. Yes, I know. Hilarious. Odd. Impossible to predict or explain. And finally 3. I offer a PhD Snow. I am a good Canadian Blogger girl after all. Hee Hee. Anyhoo, every so often I will post a new crochet snowflake pattern for my adoring 'crochet following' (disturbing isn't it?) In keeping with my EcoLiberty position, these lovely flakes are made with recycled plastic bags. A terrific craft to do with children! More snowflake crafts here. Enjoy! Ah, by the way. Once completed, this project is worth .5 credits towards your PhD Snow.

1 comment:

Paula B. said...

oh the wonder and mystery of on-line search terms!

I have been similarly mystified by keywords that bring people to my blog or website. My current big hitter is 'fried oatmeal cookies' CSTM

I shared our experiments with fried oatmeal, and happened to mention oatmeal cookies in the same post.

[here visiting from Suzanne's blog]