The long and the short of this post though is this: I am so grateful to be 'still' part of this blogging community and brand new frontier of magablogs. This media is just opening up to wondrous destinations. Opportunities are presenting themselves to many talented bloggers. June is the 1st Anniversary of Liberty Post. Exactly one year ago today I stumbled onto my very first blog. It was Posie Gets Cozy. I think I was searching 'crafts' or something. What a discovery! I felt like Christopher Columbus. (I'm dead serious) From there I toured all the blogs she linked and then I continued on my travels to meet most of you! 11 days later, on June 11th I fumbled my way to create Liberty Post. I am smitten by blogging. I adore it. Many thanks to you for coming by and reading my magablog. Thank you for 'getting me' and embracing the randomness of this Artist, Canadian gal. I appreciate you, your blogs, your genius and your comments so, so much. So, what do you think of the hair?
I love the hair. I don't know what it looked like before so I have nothing for comparison, but it's just a little bit sassy and swingy, so it's all good.
I stumbled onto blogging over three years ago when I started my photoblog, The Farmers Wife. I thought it was one of the most exciting things ever. With an hour of time and a computer I could be a publisher!!!! Holy cow, after many years in the printing and publishing industry, including almost a decade at a newspaper, I could have my say. How exciting is that?
The connections are unbelievable. One of the first people I met was a great photographer (and photo editor for a major magazine) who was very kind and helpful. He dubbed me the poster child for blogging. I think he meant that my enthusiasm and the fact that I was a nobody in the middle of nowhere who actually had something to say (through my photos). Never in a thousand years would I have met him in real life.
Imagine my surprise when I got an email from a local historical museum - they wanted to give me an award for chronicling the decay of the farms and the death of a way of life as civilization advanced. I sat at the award dinner and almost fainted when I realized one of the past winners was the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. I wanted to leave before they discovered their mistake. What the heck was I doing there? But, that award was a validation of the blog.
I'm laughing myself off the chair here as I remember the mucky-mucks at the newspaper quaking in their boots over just the thought of the internet. They saw it as their big, bad enemy, instead of embracing the paradigm shift that it represented. I tried to tell them that you can be a rock in the stream, with all the information passing around you or you can jump into the flow. Deaf ears.
I was let go as they downsized to almost nothing. I've been free to be my own producer, editor and publisher since then.
It's so much fun. It's so interesting. The people are unbelievable. The community is enlightening.
And your blog is great, along with your hair!
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
OMIGOSH, I'm sorry....I wrote a book.
- Suzanne
Your hair is daring and sexy and I would expect no less from such a free spirit as yourself. I still adore your blog, how you shift from thoughtful to pissed, to hilarious. This blogging thing we do is important. It's one of the last strongholds of freedom of speech and you're not afraid to use it.
Happy bloggiversary!
Suzanne: Your story is so inspiring. Why don't you put this on your sidebar for all your readers. How exciting! Thank you for always being there to comment and build me up! xo
Corine: You have such a buttery smooth way with words. You know just what to say and when to say it. Thank you for defining my style. You know how sometimes it's hard to pinpoint your own style (yourself) and it's so great to have an objective review! xo
One year? me too - last month - we have the same anni!
cute haircut !!
And thank you so much for your ultra sweet comment. Much appreciated.
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