Her fleece was white as snow and every where that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go. And do you know why? Because May 24th was the day that Sarah Josepha Hale published 'Mary had a Little Lamb'. (In 1830) I always knew you had a superstar connection out there. All great people are born on May 24th. (Queen Victoria too) I love you Dad, but gee, I don't think you are as committed to reading my blog as Mom is. I am trying to build traffic you know. Gosh, I will forgive you just this once. Have a wonderful day. Hope you don't get in too much trouble. Try to move those legs away from your computer today. It's really good for circulation. Ooops, I almost forgot. I think it is so adorable that all babies in Canada that are born on May 24th are wrapped and cuddled in a darling
Baby Lamb Blanket. (in honor of that famous song) I know you still have yours in that old box tucked under your bed. I love that little outfit. So sweet. Just like you! Happy Baaaaaday. xo
Liberty Post Editor Note:
Like the
Bear Cub Baby Blanket before it, the Baby Lamb Blanket ($40) instantly transforms your cute little baby into an equally cute little animal. Not only will your baby look like a cute little lamb, they will also be extra warm and comfortable in this silky-soft 100% polyester swaddling blanket. I guess wool would have been the more obvious choice, but it sure is very, very cute.
1 comment:
What a cute story! I can't believe that Canada wraps the babies like that today,, so sweet!
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