Tuesday, 9 February 2010

ACE Camps and Sabrina Ward Harrison


"Ace Camps are vacations where you learn and create from the BEST, the most POPULAR and the most INTERESTING leaders. You and your group head on a journey to improve a skill, meet new people and experience different cultures. Along with your guide you will spend time with a professional. Ace Camps seek out the most interesting professionals, artists, photographers and creative people to spend time with and we want to pass on the experience to you."

Sabrina Ward Harrison will be leading a workshop in Seattle, Washington on creating unique and very special visual journaling books. Join her as part of her True Living Project and let your creativity calmly burst. This workshop will be held at the Shuey House, Seattle, Washington. You will share meals, take outdoor nature walks, learn the true value of quiet, of listening, of writing and create freely with others.

Sabrina will offer demos on collaging techniques, lead you through free writing, and the art of journal making and more.

How Sabrina’s workshops started...

Sabrina began offering, "The Art of Becoming Yourself Workshops" 10 years ago by posting handmade fliers around her neighborhood in Berkeley, California. Over the years she has enjoyed traveling the world to facilitate her workshops with women and men who desire to create the life they most want to live. See photos here of her workshop in the Baja in October 2009.

If you have a desire to restore, to get back to what is most real for you...join us.
If you are longing to make a mess on the floor, to be enveloped by the creative process and to create the thing you most want to find... You are so welcome.

Sabrina will also be bringing a selection of her line of gift products from Papaya to purchase should you wish.

This is a very special workshop in Seattle.

Option One: $675.00
3 nights at the Shuey House
3 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 3 dinners
2 day workshop with Sabrina Ward Harrison
Art supplies (upon registration you will be sent a list of personal supplies you may want to bring.
Option Two: $425.00
2 day workshop with Sabrina Ward Harrison
Art supplies (upon registration you will be sent a list of personal supplies you may want to bring.



Amanda said...

Oh how wonderful! I didn't know these classes existed! That's so fabulous. If there is anything happening near Louisiana, let me know! I'm in!

Laura in Paris said...

I have to check this website!