Thursday 14 January 2010

Love Heals

Is your stomach uneasy too? Are things about to get worse? Do they actually know that the world 'is' coming to help them? Will the journalists who are so bravely reporting going to be safe? Will the Aid Workers aid with protection and without danger surrounding them? Will the emergency response personnel be able to get to everyone? There is one thing I know for sure. Love heals.

UPDATE: Friday, January 15, 2010. Can love really heal? I've just watched the most horrible thing on FOX news from last night. A woman lost 4 children in the Haitian earthquake and has now lost her 5th (and last) child in the aftermath. She is rolling around on the ground, wailing - obviously (now) insane, tormented, agonized, traumatized - and no one is there to help her or sedate her or hug her or ?. Will love be able to heal her? Even the reporter falls to pieces and can't finish the segment. Watch HERE.


Barbara said...

Thank you for this Post. Nothing worse than feeling so helpless. I am so proud of my country for stepping up and promising and delivering Aide. I am sure many others will follow, how can they not?

Angie Muresan said...

I certainly hope so. My heart weeps for all the pain and the loss.

Kitty said...

indeed! for all the buddhists out there, this is a perfect time and situation to practice tonglen: breathing in all of the pain and destruction in haiti, and breathing out, sending love and peace. i'd love to hear more about the amulet pictured in the post. thanks!


Kitty: click on the last red words, Love Heals. Takes you to the shop. I wish I knew more about Buddhism...must learn more now..xo
(Do you know Danielle LaPorte a.k.a. White Hot Truth?)


Angie, my heart weeping with you and now I am so fearful for everyone as tensions mount. They are desperate.


Barbara, Yes, the world is helping and that is so, so wonderful. xo


Love Heals Ring:

Kitty said...

thanks for posting about the ring. the sweet bird studio is a wild and wonderful place! i've never heard of danielle, but i'm googling now - thanks! xo kitty