My noggin' has been joggin'. Ever since the FTC decided that bloggers are now required to be forthcoming about their 'take' of the pie. (this is an insult and a joke) Are they getting paid to talk about a company - is the post actually an advertisement - have they received complimentary gifts or trips etc.? Truth is - after all my joggin' with my 'noggin' - I'm starting to think - damn it!!!! I need money too and why the hell shouldn't 'we bloggers' get paid to give others (individuals and companies) FREE PR!!!! (This is not a question.) This is a fact. How can bloggers continue to offer wonderful content if they can't afford to keep the blog afloat? (that was a direct question) Isn't it time that bloggers demanded, deserved and were delivered an income from someone, anyone??? I read a book last year by Donald Trump & Bill Zanker called 'Think Big and Kick Ass'. You might like it. Listen to the Sharks or the Dragons. They'd tell you to give up the damn blog and all the time you are spending (wasting) on it - cause you ain't making any damn money with it - it's been 2 years - the only thing that is getting stroked is your ego - wake up and smell the coffee. Truth is, rich people wouldn't do anything 'business' without getting paid. I don't think they'd get out of bed for less than $1000 / day. I for one am getting sick and tired of others getting ahead financially on the backs of 'little ol' bloggers with their little ol' hobby' - bloggers being all so sicky sweet, drooling over others and making them rich. People schmoozing with bloggers to get FREE Publicity. I am damn good at what I do. A company would have to pay me top dollar for the things I do here on my blog. Just my design work on my headers alone, would fetch me $50,000/year at some company/media outlet - then there's my writing and photography and search engine knowledge and media ad placement and connections and people skills and on and on and so on and so on....And don't get me started when bloggers give bloggers 'shit' for having 'ads' on their blog. Can you believe this!!!! We need to eat people!!! I've noticed that the bloggers who are the most successful, are the ones who promote themselves "the most" - they focus on 'them' not 'others' - they publicize their work, their books, their services, their voice. They don't spend (waste) their time writing posts about others. The FTC has a valid point. Maybe the point is, 'Bloggers are worthy of payment. Hello!!!!' Yes we are. It's time people started 'the pay for play' rule. I just realized that we are being used and abused by everybody, big time and we are allowing it to happen. Do you have thick 'shark' skin or not?
You tell 'em Patti !
Funnily enough I've linked directly to one of your posts today (Right To Dry Campaign)
BECAUSE you're ace !
What's it worth ?
I'm kidding I'm kidding ! (obviously)
Jan, can I send you a fat cheque?
Virtual hugs will suffice.x
Amen sister!
I hope you weren't talking about me and not having ads. truthfully i have never been asked by anyone for real money to advertise here. but i don't begrudge bloggers who advertise - i know everyone has to eat. great post btw. you are just worth 50k? hmmm. you are selling yourself short.
love the new header.
I used to take google ads but the erectile dysfunction and yellow teeth remedy looked nasty on my pretty blog. I prefer giving deals to people who will make a pretty button that fits neatly where I want it to. Of course you/we should charge for ads. Why not. It's a win/win for all parties.
Guys, I was just ranting and you know...blowing off blogging steam...I don't have any hard feelings for anyone on my blog tour side bar....plus I just woke up today dreaming I was rich and then I really woke and realized I was, well...not so rich (but lucky to have all of you!) xoxoxoxo
Hola Amiga,
I thought this post was very interesting and thoughtful. Believe it or not you are one of my gurus darling so keep up the good work. I pretend sealaura industries is read and loved by many and oh wouldn't it be nice if I could live off of it someday.... until then I must continue with my day job..sigh.
ooooh! Good one! :)
Love it! Well said! We really do keep promoting the rich, don't we? What do they do for us? I, for one, try to promote only those whom I truly believe in, and could use more recognition.
I try anyway... :)
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