Such a shame. She is worth about $100 million. She owes $24 million. (by this Tuesday) Unless she files for bankruptcy, it could all be gone? Rights to all photos taken before, now and in the future!!! (Help her out, buy her book.) How does this happen? I just want $5000.00 to go to a Sabrina Ward Harrison workshop in Mexico! (I'm still open to Angel Investors...anyone?) How does one Stylist charge $400,000.00 for a single project? Am I on the right planet? All these lawsuits flying around The Arts! How is this justified? Should I be charging you $1000 every time to come to my blog to read it? How do they come up with these numbers? What the hell....
UPDATE: Sept. 14/09
honey, your blog is totally worth $1000/read!
oh, my, LP - hope your Angel Investors are helping to bring you to the Baja with Sabrina!
Poster in the mail - Angela
It was in the papers over here. I find the part about her rights on her work past and future the most scarey part of all.
Who gets 400,000 as a stylist??? Getting rights to your life's work is just wrong, and as designer who has spent 33 years being TOTALLY original
I have never understood the connection between true talent and compensation and recognition!
Jane, I completely agree with you.
I hope most of you know when I'm trying to push buttons, boundaries or provocation....
Ooops..I forgot to mention. I think it is criminal theft that anyone would take the rights of an artist's work...for any reason. It is evil.
I really have to wonder sometimes why more people don't push the boundaries. In my business I hear every day that they want change and originality.So pushing buttons is good... thats what all the greatest designers,artists, thinkers did. We should applaud them for taking risks and thinking outside the box like Annie Leibovitz did. But 400,000 for a stylist????? No way!
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