Monday 17 August 2009

Sloane Crosley Thurber Prize Finalist

NEW YORK (AP) -- New Yorker contributor Ian Frazier and best-selling essayist Sloane Crosley are among the finalists for the Thurber Prize for American Humor. Prize organizers say Frazier was cited for his book on parenting ''Lamentations of the Father,'' and Crosley for her popular essay collection about the 20-something life, ''I Was Told There'd Be Cake.'' I laughed and laughed and laughed reading Sloane's book. She must win. Yes, she must.


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I'll have to read her book. I absolutely adore James Thurber.

Laura in Paris said...

I was reading an article today about humor - it was in a specilaized psychology magazine. And it is so good that you laughed laughed laughed .. great therapy to imrpove your well being it seems!