Wednesday, 12 August 2009

The Burrowing, The Books

H1N1 may get dangerously worse. Mumbai just announced they are closing down schools, colleges and financial districts for 3 days due to the spread of this pandemic flu. The home, the internet and the 'book' will all become even more important and popular in our lives. We will burrow. (The need to protect oneself from the harsh, unpredictable realities of the outside world. - Faith Popcorn) We will shop online. We will decorate. We will nest. And we will read. (and hopefully it will entertain you.)


Kitty said...

sounds like a plan to me!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

We had dinner the other evening with a fellow who works for the Center for Disease Control. He is making no wisecracks about this flu... in fact, he sort of scared me. Burrowing sounds like a wonderful idea! Books and dogs!! And really good food!