Victoria Day (in French: FĂȘte de la Reine), colloquially known as May Two-four, May Long, or May Run, is a Canadian statutory holiday celebrated on the last Monday before or on 24 May, in honour of both Queen Victoria's birthday and the current reigning Canadian sovereign's official birthday. It has been marked since before Canada was formed, originally falling on the sovereign's actual birthday, and continues to be celebrated across the country on a fixed date and in various fashions, also being considered an informal mark of the beginning of the summer season. Trust me, you know it's the beginning of summer here in Wasaga Beach because thousands of party goers invade the sandy shore.
Victorian Style looks like this and described very well by BBC here. Mod Vic Style is everywhere today as old homes are renovated and interiors updated. Mod Vic Style is ever present in the craft (31,000 items on Etsy) and design world too.
Victorian Flickr Images and Modern Victorian Flickr Images
I don't love Victorian or Mod styles, but I do have to say that I'm digging the Mod Vic look a lot! And that green ruffly sweater is to die for!!
I like that style on your pictures!
I am celebrating one year blogging come visit and take the chans to win a nice gift
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