"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" was a clever little slogan of the Women's Movement during the Seventies. Little did I realize then how prescient it would prove to many of my peers as they hit middle age. In the past five years, I've been stunned by how many of my formerly married-with-children Girlfriends have bolted from their traditional family geometry and found true love with other women........And the sex is great! As Carol Leifer put it (much more succinctly than I) another woman already knows where all the happy spots are and what makes them downright euphoric. She said that it's like knowing your own house--even with the lights off, you still know where all the furniture is. I can only barely imagine what it must be like to have sex and have someone to talk to after. Think about it, we Girlfriends are usually so intimate with each other in a non-sexual way; we hug and kiss and can even share a bed without thinking about sex. We already behave like lesbians, in fact, most men fantasize that we are, so if we do or don't actually become lesbians isn't necessarily apparent to the outside world." - Vicki Iovine
I so admire the way you're happy to take on any subject Patti!
Maybe I should be a little braver (just a thought)
:) x
Jan...Liberty: The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing.
Jan: Thank you for your support and friendship!
I read that article. I have someone in mind when comes the time to switch side. I told her before she would be the perfect wife for me. We haven't figured out the sex thing yet. But you can have a happy marriages without sex, i'm told.
Corine: See...that's a new novel. Wouldn't it be a fab movie!
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