Thursday 8 January 2009

Reading Blogs: The New Indulgence (no charge)

I'm not here to make you sad. (let's not get all depressed about the world economy) I'm here, in my opinion, to entertain you - inspire you - and maybe, just maybe, make us all think a little differently; opening up new directions in discussions - sharing (something like this - amazing), caring, working, brainstorming - disagreeing, debating, creating lively conversations - dreaming, scheming, wanting, waiting - knowing. We are the people with liberty to sit at the virtual boardroom table together to shape the future. Yes. Reading blogs and participating in the process of blogging is 'The New Indulgence'. Best of all. It's free.


Anonymous said...

I truly think I'm addicted to my google reader! I have 172 subscriptions!!

corine said...

You never make me sad, and the last few posts full of COLOR have made me happier still. xooxx