Monday, 3 November 2008

Let's Clear the Air Now

I just want to be perfectly clear. I love the political debate; the banter, the passion, the fiery discussions, the differences of opinion, the clear divisions...and yet, you all know that I am not an American - so I don't have a vote - but....I am engaged, eager, interested, passionate about the U.S. elections. My personal hope, as you know, is that Obama wins. I just want to be perfectly clear. I am so incredibly humbled by how Americans are 'in' to this election. They need to be very, very proud of that. Left or Right, your vote is important and this blogging 'Canadian' girl is happy to hear all your comments & thoughts. (even if you are p.o'd at me for my choice) Let's clear the air now. People around the world will be watching tomorrow, but we will all awake on Wednesday knowing that our democracy is fair, wonderful and the best there is. I just want to be perfectly clear. I respect everyone's choice, even if it is different than mine. Let's make a wish together to always be friends. O.K.?


Anonymous said...

stumbled across your blog, noticed your a huge Obama fan, I dunno if you saw the Callie Shell pictures of him, but I have a link to it a few posts down my blog, you should check em out, they're great! keep up the good work!

Di Overton said...

I am in total agreement with you. I have everything crossed for him winning. The whole world needs a CHANGE.

life in red shoes said...

no hard feelings!

Anonymous said...

I'm Swiss and cannot vote either, Obama would be my choice too, he seems to be a more enlightened person than McCain, less strung up in his ego, more passionate about people..., and his a brilliant organizer and motivator...if McCain wins me and my husband will move to a mountain cabin in the Swiss alps -have been waiting for Bill Maher to recommend Switzerland as a place to go but he didn't. Well, who am I kidding, I love my coastal nesting place here in Rhode Island!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until tomorrow. This is so exciting...may the best men win :)

Anonymous said...

but republican observers are being tossed out in Philly. How is that fair? I voted Obama but the system is broken and tainted. Computerized voting should be banned.

72 and sunny said...'re going to have a lot of new neighbors if Obama doesn't win!


Here in Canada, we use paper ballots and they are counted by hand. It works fine. I don't know if I trust those machines???