Saturday, 8 November 2008

Australia: Intermission

All this talk about the upcoming film Australia has me reeling, longing, begging to dive in as a Set Designer. Here's the job description: (in case you too are feeling the Marie Antoinette film-type-of-wonderful-design-overload-premonition-blazing-famous-taking the blog world by storm-type-of-effect-with-Australia's sets and art direction)

TV, Film and Theatre Set Design
Set designers plan and manage the construction of sets for the presentation of theatre, TV and film productions. Their design skills are closely associated with those of interior design and exhibition design. Set designers must understand the production requirements of the entertainment media they’re designing for and pay particular attention to methods of assembly and disassembly, strength and safety aspects. Set designers plan and detail performance stages and sets for effective use with particular emphasis on space planning, factors that affect the production of the performance, and visual impact for recorded or live performance. They plan space allocation, traffic flow, services, furniture, furnishings and surface finishes. They consider the purpose, performance, efficiency, safety and aesthetic of the set to arrive at an optimum design. They custom design or specify furniture, lighting, walls, partitions, flooring, colour, fabrics and graphics to produce an environment tailored to a performance. A set designer often works as part of a team that may include lighting designers, sound technicians, choreographers, directors and cinematographers. They may be required to organise the purchasing of materials and furnishings and the contracting and supervision of the tradespeople required to implement a project.

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