Insulin pumps are designed to deliver life-sustaining insulin at a steady rate based on an individual’s needs. A pump costs about $6,000 and an additional $3,600 a year for the insulin and associated supplies. Ontario is the first province in Canada—and is one of the first jurisdictions in the world–to provide this level of coverage for prescribed insulin pumps and supplies. Now, I ask you: Why wouldn't you want the same health care plan in your country? It is my opinion that health is a national responsibility (as is education), not part of free enterprise and profits. (Go Obama)
End Note to Investors: This is a good (very good) stock to buy.
wow, science has come a long way! your daughter definitely is a bionic woman! my mom is a 19 yr breast cancer survivor!
Such very cool technology. A friend of mine is looking into getting an insulin pump as well - she's still researching and weighing the pros and cons. I assume you'd recommend it?
I just found your blog. How fun and creative you are! I've signed up for your blog and can't wait to hear what more you have to say!
Bless her heart..and her pump.
That's so cool. What piece of mind this pump must bring.
Thats so eye opening, I had no idea that these existed. So amazing really.
You go sister! I don't know if you read my post about health care, but something needs to be done. There are far too many people who need health care, but they are a supposed risk, and are denied left and right. With the economy as rough as it is in some parts, and jobs not always providing health care, there is no reason why this issue should be ignored.
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