New York Magazine cover of
Eliot Spitzer has been nominated for Cover of the Year. I'm sorry, but this is just wrong. Have you not seen far better magazine covers than this? Send me a comment with your favorite magazine cover for 2008....I bet it wasn't this one. (Better yet, feature your favorite cover on your blog and we'll host our own damn awards. Blogger's Choice) Let me know in your comment if you are going to post your cover choice and we'll all come over for a look-see. More nominees
here. via
huffington post.
We need this guys comments to get to the head of the issue on 700 billion. Eliot Spiter speakout on the bailout your country still needs you.
This cover is beyond tacky. What's happened to self-control and taste? This isn't funny or clever, just tacky, tacky.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
It's creepy, I'm kinda square so this is over the top for me. As a magazine junkie I'd say that this is an issue I would not purchase.
that's the best they had? not exciting.
Seriously? No really. Seriously?
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