Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Scented Glossy Magazines

Hell, I had no idea that SGM did a huge post; a feature truly, on Jeff Lewis and Flipping Out. I found out from Mackin Ink. Thank You. I did a little titch of a thing a couple of days ago. Or was that yesterday. You've got to go over there now. Scoot. And read her letter to Jeff. This is my favorite part: "I spent half the night in the fetal position, sick with worry and so angry that I had fooled myself into believing that you were getting better." Gosh. I still want you, Jeff I mean, to get well. Really honey, I do. Aren't these prozac pill paintings darling?


SGM said...

Oh, I hope Jeff takes you up on your offer to work for him! Bloodshed! And then I would write all about it.

Thanks SO MUCH for the nice words. :)

life in red shoes said...

Just checked out SGM, thanks for the tip!

karey m. said...

you're so nice!!!

i hate to recommend anything to anyone...but sgm?!

i always recommend. so glad you loved her like i do.