Monday 10 March 2008

Winter Wallops & Meteors

That Groundhog is a damn liar. He said 'Early Spring' ages ago. If you live on the northeastern side of North America, I know you are feeling my frustration too. I mean, for goodness sake, we have already put our clocks ahead - that's means Summer right? Here is one of my biggest blog fans, 'Pop' (my Dad) who was out early this morning shoveling snowbanks & powdery white drifts away from all the gas vents in the homes on our crescent. Otherwise we could have all died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Meanwhile, back in the toasty-warm house, my Mom (the other big blog fan) is busy peaking out the window, watching my Father crawl through the thigh deep snowbanks - hoping he doesn't keel over with a heart attack - periodically poking her head out the door to warn him of his potential demise - and all the while sipping black coffee at her computer, researching another strange occurrence. It seems a giant meteor has slammed into the frozen bay out beyond the beach! Can you believe this? Scientists are warning people of the dangers of walking out onto the lake to find these silvery chunks of the universe. Do they know it's like the Arctic out there? Please, if anyone is up in heaven today (we know the meteor was a message of some kind), please send us sunshine and tulips. We are sick of these winter wallops. Cute. This could be a new kind of sweet treat - 'Winter Wallops' - like a snow cone covered in blue sugar. What do you think? P.S. Have I ever told you that Canadians talk about the weather a lot? I mean a lot. Oh, you'll get used to it....


Bronwyn said...

So many gorgeous posts and images to see. I can just picture the scene with your mom and dad. Thanks for putting a smile on my face this Mondy morning. Your blog rocks!!!

Bronwyn said...

errr...I meant MonDAY morning:)

Anonymous said...

No seriously, i don't know how you guys can cope. I'm in So.Cal and such a whimp. Oh I love snow, don't get me wrong but this must take a special kind of endurance.