Thursday 20 December 2007

Good Will Towards Men

It's a beautiful winter evening here in Canada. There is a heart-warming stillness to the air and as I sit here typing this post I can see my neighbours' lights colouring the night sky through my icy windows. The snowbanks have taken on a sequined and silvery glow. Over there a blue spruce now looks pink and the white fencepost two houses down now stands 'red'. I'm curled up on my new office chair (Thanks Mom & Dad for the early gift....I love it) and my toes can feel the soothing heat of the fire right through my socks. My sweet Golden is nestled beside me, dreaming. The presents are now keeping company with our tree and my kitchen table is a mess of holiday paper, homemade gift tags and unwritten cards. Tomorrow I will clean. Make my baking list. Grocery shop. Reflect. Sing. Listen. Remember. And wish. Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Men.

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