Sunday 23 September 2007

Got Milk? Got Laughs for You!

Now, this is a lesson in dedication. Every time I drink milk, I will remember my lovely conversation with this dairy farmer who has spent his entire life waking at 5am to take care of his cows. Can you imagine? There are so many things we take for granted. Watch this vintage 1960's commercial to see how we used to sell milk. Or, this one that claims milk reduces men's greatest source of frustration. See how the 'Elderly Got Milk'. How about the fact that milk helps with 'the law of gravity'? Talk about a lesson in silly....and we buy it!

Finally the Ontario Diary Farmers did it right. They appealed to our modern life, but paid homage to the farmers who supply it. My absolute favorite. Get ready to dance!

Watch it here. The best!!! FABULOUS!

All kidding aside, I want to try to have more gratitude for all the food we have. A lot of love goes into every glass don't you agree?

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