'Linda is a mum to two "golden boys" and one curly-mopped daughter. She started a new staging and home decorating business, Restyled Home, in May 2006 and is beginning to live her creative dream.
"Some may consider decorating frivolous or unnecessary, but I have always felt it to be an extension of one's personality, creativity and sense of self. It's not meant to be "deep", but rather something that gives us pleasure by stimulating the visual and giving us all the sanctuary that a home should and can be." -Linda MacDonald CSP(TM)'
Thank you Linda....I especially love your 'Bouquet of the Day' in your sidebar. Love that!
Wow, what a tribute!! I can't believe you did such a lovely link to me! I am loving your blog...and I am planning my Diana post very carefully. I have quite a collection of memorabilia devoted to her.
Thanks for the "plug"!! Have a great week...
You're welcome!
You're welcome!
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