
Friday 29 May 2009

My Hunger Strike is Over

Well...almost. Yes My Dear Readers, my 'sans blog photo' hunger strike will be over within the next 24 hours. I had to. I just had to break down and pay picasa it's yearly storage fee so that my blog may once again take wings with imagery. (blogs without photos suck - in my humble opinion) And I didn't really want Liberty Post to 'suck' particularly when my 2nd Blogversary is on June 11th. I truly cannot believe that I have published 1694 posts!!! 2, my...Where has the time gone?


  1. yay! Even sans photo I was alwys curious to see what goodies you had. :)

  2. I've missed your imagery - but, there must have been a little something liberating in not having to find pics every day. But, glad they'll be back!! And happy blogversary in advance!

  3. LP - that is a lot of posts, I congratulate you on your constant creativity and thank you for them - love seeing and reading your thoughts each day. I am glad the pics are coming back...Happy weekend, xv.

  4. Libby, your time has been well spent and much appreciated! Thank you.


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