
Saturday 30 May 2009

The Dog Whisperer (The Dog Giver)

This is 'Cisco'. He is my Mother's brand new baby Shih Tzu. Many famous people own Tzu's. My Mother is the ultimate 'Dog Giver'. She buys expensive dogs, trains them and then gives them away. I hope she keeps wee Cisco. She has given away baby Yorkie's and Lhapso's and Retreivers and Labs....The Dog Whisperer: (I'm speaking softly here) "Perhaps she'll give Cisco to me."


  1. Cisco is so precious! What a face. Hopefully your mom will read this post and give you little Cisco. He might make a great assistant at Libery Post headquarters.

  2. Trust me as a mom of two tuz's if she gets him house broke, she will be keeping him. They are wonderful !! They are one of the hardest to hb though, something about them maturing slow and remaining a baby longer than other breeds. She will fall head over hills in love if she get the hb-ing over.

  3. Adorable!!!!

  4. Wouldn't you would be cheating on your beloved goldens?

    Oh, and what's your Mothers number?

    P.S. When is your big 50?

  5. He is precious! What a cutie!

  6. If she gives him away, I'd gladly drive up to Canada for him. So cute!!!

    PS - glad to see the photo strike is over!


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