
Tuesday 26 May 2009

My Discovery Travels

Hello Friend.

Yes, I'm still here in the blogging world, except I have stepped into the realm of complete and utter-delicious self-indulgence. I'm on a world tour of sorts. I have been mindfully-peacefully-stresslessly traveling from blog to blog to blog all around the globe. I've been to places I've never been before. I've met new bloggers; different voices and images. It is delightful and well-deserved (I believe). Flights leave on the hour every hour. You should do yourself a favor too. I'll be back in full blogging schedule soon.

All My Love & Friendship, Liberty Post xo


  1. I should travel too. I've been visiting the same places over and over.

  2. I love traveling through blogland. I am never disappointed by the wonders I find!


I am Editor of the 'Embassy of Ideas'
Please visit me there!