
Saturday 23 May 2009

The Garden Post(s) & Pop's 75th Birthday

May 24th is my Father's 75th birthday. I love you Dad. xo 1934 was a very good year. (And now for an unexpected treat - here is a link to 128 garden posts I've written - great for a Sunday morning over coffee in the Spring) Ah..and you thought I just talked nonsense all week long for 2 years straight. Fooled you didn't I? (are you missing photos on my blog yet?)


  1. yes!!!! pictures we demand pictures!

    happy birthday Pops!

  2. I think you've proved we can be photo free if necessary!
    Happy Weekend x

  3. YES am missing the pics. And my Dad's b-day is (was) today as well. May 24th was a good day! Happy Birthday to your Dad!


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