Wednesday 7 October 2009

Nie Nie On Oprah Today

Stay tuned. Oprah called her 'Steph' as in BFF. How cool! When Stephanie Nielson started keeping an online journal about family vacations, changing seasons and the simple joys of motherhood, she was a 23-year-old mother of three. Four years, one child and hundreds of posts later, Stephanie has become a well-known mommy blogger with thousands of followers. Since the first post in 2005, Stephanie's uplifting, humorous stories have inspired people across the country. Now, fans of her blog, NieNie Dialogues, have one more reason to admire this devoted wife and mother of four. On August 16, 2008, Stephanie and her husband, Christian, were flying across Arizona when the small plane they were on crashed into the desert. It exploded on impact. Read more here. I am sobbing here watching this. How horrible that 'we' whine and complain about life. I want to be better, stronger; more grateful, happy, giving and gentle.


Dianne said...

It had the same impact on me. I need to be better!

ZoeChastain said...

I agree with you diane. I really appreciate your response with this review. It was truly inspiring to be better