Go get your check up. (via Simply Blessed Bliss) Get the facts. As a Canadian who has enjoyed 'health care for all' for 50 years, I must encourage you to be open to this reform for the United States. It isn't enough to sit there (as a rich person or even an upper middle class person) in judgement that this plan has failings...no, no, no...you must try to 'see', really 'see' the millions of Americans who are suffering in sickness because they can't afford to go to the Doctor. Statistics show that 95% of American citizens are living with a tight financial budget. That's why health care for all is 'critical' to the 'health of your nation'. 'This isn't about politics. This is about people's lives' - President Obama.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting this! People hear the false information on universal health coverage such as waiting months for care, long lines, etc. It is all propaganda. Everyone needs to check out the actual facts & see how this is the best for our country.
Ya know...I like my health care. Unfortunately, there are close to zero programs the US gov. handles that are not in the red and struggling. I am not sure I want that kind of organization keeping me healthy. I would like some change for those who really can't get care through no fault of their own.
I agree. Here in France we enjoy a health scheme for all, ... nobody is left behind ..
Please. Having lived in various countries for my job I can assure you healthcare for all is not the panacea to America's ills. While there is for sure some misinformation being dispersed out there, what is Not being told is the reality of what free healthcare for all, as it is being put, will have on our nation. When you need brain surgery or cancer treatment and are told you "have" time to wait because you are young enough the fac that your care is "free" is of no importance. Your life is at the forefront of any decisions you will make. And paying the roughly 42-46% in taxes to maintain such programs is hardly free. Please do your reading from actual government sites and not the propaganda spewed forth by Obama. Thank godness he's loking to be a 1 term president.
I could not agree with "Poshness" more in regards to health care and Obama. He is wrecking this country. We are a land established on the rights of the individual and the concepts of life,liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, NOT the collective. Americans are not Europeans or Canadians, we do not want government in our business or our health care.
i love my medical care. The reason it is so expensive is the fact that there are 1300 insurance co. in the u.S. and in California i can only pick from 6. The gov. has put so many regulations on the insurance co that they cant all do business in Calif. They also cant cross state lines. That makes it impossible to compete. We have the best medical care that i know of. the gov. needs to reform insurance not medical care.
i just choose to pay an exorbitant amount for my personal health insurance. when i need something, i get it. i get excellent care wherever i go. we have planned for health care as a life expense. whether cheaper health insurance is extended to me or not, i will continue to privately finance my family's care. i don't trust our government to get anything done for me or other americans. they should quit bailing out corporate douchebags and help those americans who have no coverage or are living marginally because of staggering bills. but the government has no say in my family's health - ever.
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