Your health care and how it is delivered to you and your loved ones is a human rights issue. Did you realize that?
Canada's health care system is/was
designed to ensure all citizens are born healthy and live healthy. How can any nation consider
health care as an enterprise or commercial venture? I do not understand how the two mix. A nation is only as good as the health of its people. Why shouldn't a country take care of them? I could start a brand new blog just about Free Government Health Care and why it is the only way to care for a country. My youngest daughter has had Type 1 Diabetes since she was a toddler. Who paid for her care? My government. When she had Joyce Hannah 7 months ago and the baby required special care who paid for that? My country. When my Aunt needed 3 years of aggressive cancer treatment, Canada picked up the tab. My mother's eyes were failing. The specialist fixed them. For free. No bill. No visa or amex or loan to repay. When my father needed care, they paid for that too. I have a dear friend with MS. Canada supports her. Another friend has a daughter with a sports injury - and yes, our great Country held her up when she couldn't do it on her own. You have no idea how wonderful it is to 'never ever worry' about medical bills when you are busy praying for someone to recover. Don't you know that every breath we take of every waking hour is filled with thoughts of 'money' - how much we have or usually for 95% of people; how much we lack. Medicine does not have to be part of this ongoing conversation. Let it go. Trust
Barack. I urge all Americans to fully support President Obama and his
health care plans. Yes! We (Canadians) pay for our health care through taxes - but! - we are the most responsible health care nation - we pay these taxes to care for one another - we do not complain or whine about it - we would never, ever leave one citizen behind - everyone - everyone gets the care they need - we share the responsibility. Isn't that the way it should be? Don't listen to negative examples of Canada's health care system. Don't let that close your mind to the potential and opportunity for you. There will always be good and bad in every scenario. I have lived here my entire life. It is good. Real good. Let go of the old. Bring in
a new way of living without this one worry. Greed has no place in this human rights discussion. Free health care for all!
And, if only.
Yes, Amen to that!! I'm used to German health care, which I think is very much like Canada's. So different from here.. :) Silke
It was good to read this...all I have heard are negative thoughts on your health care system. What a relief to be sick and not have financial worries. Do you think your care was as good as it gets? ( so to speak ) pleased with your doctors etc...? My husband is in the medical business in the USA...we argue about this a lot!!!
Thank you for your comments Ladies! I have dreamed about moving somewhere hot - but the health care here is just so important to me. And I'd miss the hockey rink!
Dianne: Yes! Beyond satisfied. I think the 'right' is trying to feed fear mongering to the media about Canada's health care. (just a conspiracy theory of mine) WE all must remember that Dr.'s and Nurses and all health care providers are human...they will make the odd mistake no matter where you live.
Silke: I'm glad you 'get' it. I just know that without 'health' a person's life is nothing. In my opinion, health is the #1 issue of a nation. (healthy body and mind = healthy productive people = healthy + prosperous nation)
Edward: Are your vet bills free? No? Not in Canada either...we need to work on that!
THANK YOU! LOve you LIberty!
So well said - I just hope Barack will be able to win this one! There is a LOT of money backing the opposition.
Well said - we are so incredibly blessed to live in this country. For many reasons, but our healthcare system definitley hovers near the top of my list! We are so fortunate. Anyone who complains about the healthcare we receive obviously hasn't taken a minute to contemplate the alternative - I can guarantee if you showed them a copy of the bill they would otherwise be receiving, they would quietly say "thank-you Canada" and walk away. Speaking with friends who live in the US and comparing medical prices...it's enough to scare the bejesus outta you! For a normal, healthy pregnancy and delivery, my friends were billed well over $10,000. Imagine how that price would skyrocket if you were in need of extra testing, a cesarean (as I was), or heaven forbid your baby was in need of additional care (tests, NICU, etc)when he/she was born...I understand that most people are insured against healthcare, but it's heartbreaking to hear of someone who has lost everything to pay for the care of a loved one. Your home, or your family - which would win out if you had to choose one? I know that I would end up on the streets. THANK-YOU THANK-YOU THANK-YOU Canada! I only hope that other countries will eventually be as fortunate as we are!
With all due respect, I simply cannot understand a statement like "Don't listen to negative examples of Canada's health care system."
If our government is going to decide to completely change the system of healthcare in this nation, they (and we) certainly SHOULD look at the good AND the bad. To only look at the good without considering the bad (and yes, there are PLENTY of examples), then the result could be catastrophic.
A comment like that is like me saying, "Only look at the good parts of American healthcare. Don't listen to the negative."
We must examine ALL of the information.
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