The simple
Mission-style buildings were inspired by the
early Spanish
mission churches in
California. Many can be found in Florida and Texas. Mission is the 'cleaner' Mediterranean Revival Style; less fuss. Exterior walls are usually covered with stucco, although oolitic limestone is also used. The most distinctive features of the style are tiled roofs and arches. Roofs are commonly low in pitch or flat, featuring curvilinear parapets or pent roof sections. The same parapet lines are often repeated over the front porch. Parapets may be topped with simple stucco molding, or with a single row of sloping
Mission tiles. Cylindrical tiles, or scuppers, drain rainwater. Windows may be sash or casement type. Arches are typical on the facade and common on other openings. The front porch sometimes extends over the carport or garage entrance to one side of the main building mass. Applied decoration is kept to a minimum. It's a wonderful look with a Latin flavour. I personally love it!
GReat Post! I loved it and also your new header. I have always longed to live in one of these homes. Maybe someday.
Great pictures.
I love how the stucco walls change the new house into something beautiful. Love it!
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