Friday, 6 March 2009

Smoke Break

I'm stepping out into the real world for the weekend, so I will be taking a blogging break. A year ago, I would have been taking a smoke break. On St. Patrick's Day it will be a year since I quit. Quitting sucks. The lighting in this photograph is beautiful isn't it. (I have been drawn to the provocative this past week.) I wonder what her story is here....


life in red shoes said...

So very proud of you.

vicki archer said...

Well done - I am a year without coffee. It is probably not as hard as quitting the smokes but I still want an espresso every day! Enjoy your weekend, xv.

Claire Kayser said...

Will miss you!

Congrats on quitting smoking! Your lungs are thanking you every minute for it...

Best, Patty!

Anonymous said...

That is HARD to do, I know from experience. But isn't it nice to recover senses such as smell and taste?

Also: there is a real world?

and: thank you for your note on my facebook page!!

Richard Pearson said...

very nice blog, congrats on the quitting the sticks...

cotedetexas said...

May I ask where you got that picture of ME????? God, that is really embarrassing !!! I mean really - where did you get iT??????

oldflowers4me said...


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Bravo!! Bravo!! Well done!
There's nothing good about smoking. What it does to one's insides is bad enough, but the horrors it inflicts on the skin is really awful! I just read recently that Kate Winslet smokes. I want to shake her!