Tuesday 10 February 2009

Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion: Finito

I am truly freaked. I loved this magazine. In particular, I liked how Mary insisted on an artist-driven-based editorial mandate. Studios, back stories, business ideas....brimming with colour and positivity. Sad. Scary. (I heard the news over on Off the Wall via Twitter) Below is a heartfelt letter from Mary herself:

A Note From Mary

"Well, friends, by now most of you have heard that Home Companion magazine is not being published. It was a business decision by our licensed publishing partner based purely on the lack of advertising income, certainly not on circulation or subscriber numbers, both of which remained very strong thanks to all of you! You may have heard of other home magazines closing - Cottage Living, Domino, O at Home, Home, and Country Home, among others. The sad fact is that home magazines are being hit harder than others because of the dismal housing industry - people aren't able to sell or buy homes, so fewer people are buying flooring, wallpaper, furniture, etc., so those companies don't feel they can afford to advertise. It's a vicious circle! Since we were not a typical shelter magazine anyway, I hope we'll find a way to offer the exact right kind of ads so that we can revive our beautiful magazine eventually. It hurts me to see so many wonderful houses out there and meet so many great artists and not have a place to showcase them! We WILL find a way!....." - Mary Engelbreit
UPDATE: Design*Sponge is reporting that CRAFT magazine is closing too......hmmm....start collecting magazines. They will be of value soon. (I know, they already are of value in our hearts.)


Millie said...

I'm with you dear LP - one of my fave's too. It's never been available Down Under but discovered it while working in the U.S. & so subscribed. Still have all my copies stashed away, not parting with them for anything. Mary's got chutzpah - she'll be back.
Millie ^_^

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I am most seriously displeased.

Di Overton said...

I don't understand why all these mags are closing in the US here in Britain we haven't lost any that I know of - NOT YET ANYWAY