Friday 5 December 2008

Liberty Too Far From Billy's Bakery NYC. Now What?

Make it myself and share the recipe with you! So, as a child my Mom would make the most delicious and delectable cake just like this.

Hint 1: Make ahead even overnight so the whip cream softens the chocolate wafer cookies to supreme yumminous.
Hint 2: Don't sweeten the whip cream too much. Subtle sweetness is best, plus the cookies are tenderly sweet enough.
Hint 3: You can layer it like this or end to end like a 'log'.
Hint 4: Place a tiny piece of plastic mistletoe on the top for a festive dessert
Hint 5: Make it secretly and eat the whole thing yourself. (I'd do that....oh yes I would and I'm not ashamed to admit it)

Recipe: (Similar to NYC Billy's Bakery Famous Ice Box Cake)
Sweetened whipped cream, accents of vanilla, and layers of crispy chocolate wafers create a mouthwatering combination that few can resist.

Lots of freshly whipped cream with a bit of sugar (to your taste satisfaction) Whip in an ice cold glass bowl for best results.

1-3 packages of Christie's Chocolate Wafer Cookies (depending on size you need)

Refrigerate Overnight

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this looks delicious!