Sunday 12 October 2008

Amelie, A Merry-Go-Round and Pia Jane Bijkerk

I may be the last one on Earth to see this movie, but this morning I sipped my Colombian Latte and curled up on the sofa, retriever at my feet, to discover the magic of Amelie. Sometimes we see a movie due to countless ads or if asked by a friend, 'Want to go see a movie?'. But other times a chance occurrence, a fine thread of fate or incredible inspiration moves you to want to see a film. This was the case of Amelie. It was my good friend Pia who played piano for me (and you) one night that sent me on a musical goose chase. What was that song she played? Why do I love it so? I did not find out. It was haunting a special way. I did not know the name of the song. Until this sunny Sunday morning. It was the theme song of Amelie! And the merry-go-round? Pia was there. Right there. She recorded the sound of it and took photographs of it. If, if you have not seen Amelie, rent it. Treat yourself. It will imprint your heart and make you happy. Let me take you back to where it all started. Here and here.


JuliaFuentes said...

great moviee

Linda Sue said...

There are few films that i watch over and over- this is one. My son bought it when it first came out on DVD and we watch it often especially when we need a boost. Beautiful film all around! LOVE IT! Thanks for reminding me- I will watch it again as the election approaches...

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Just a brilliant movie!

corine said...

I rented it again over the week-end. Coincidence? Or Pia?

Gill said...

How right you are, this is a fantastic film. I lend my copy to everyone and anyone!!! It is so fantastic.
Makes you quite optimistic if you are feeling blah!!!
Happy Thanksgiving, xo!~