Tuesday 10 June 2008

Algonquin Logging Museum

I know it doesn't sound very interesting. Not design cool hip. But it is. Where do you think all of our wood comes from? For floors and homes and furniture. And what about all the lovely paper goods. Canada prides itself on responsible eco-friendly logging. Now this is not the point of this post. I just wanted to say that I went for this tour (kinda kicking and screaming) but fell in love with the place. Felt a familiarity to the place. A heart tugging aura. Came home and found out that my German Grandfather was sent there at 12 years old to live in the shanty and log. 100 years ago. Now that's interesting.
Visitors to this indoor/outdoor site can learn about Algonquin Park's logging history from the 1830s to the present. The museum features a 3/4 mile long trail with a log chute and dam, an alligator tugboat, a camboose shanty, a historical railway engine, a sawlog camp, a blacksmith shop and antique logging equipment. A guidebook is available at the museum for the trail. The museum also offers slideshows and interpretive walks in July and August.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

This is totally fascinating to me. This is my idea of a theme park. My kids suffered in this regard. I would rather take the to a living history farm than Disney any day. HA.

Having studied anthropology I can tell you that the truth and the heart of a people is in their EVERYDAY. Not those fancy ceremonial moments, but in their daily work and lives.

We were treated to a fabulous trip to the Yucatan by the company that the Farmer was working for. We were expected to participate in a tour of a gigantic gravel pit facility. Doesn't that sound fascinating? It was! Many of the wives refused to go and I'll say that they really missed something. We saw the side of a hill totally blown up and the engineering marvels that moved the stone around.

Yeah, I'm crazy that way. I love to know now everyone lives and how everything works.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife