Saturday, 1 March 2008

Matte Stephens, Duke of NY & A Lawnmower

I have an announcement to make. I am officially a 'Podcast Junkie'. I love to work and listen my day away. Who needs school when you can attend 'Podversity' any time you like?...for free. How have we lived the last 2000 years without podcasts? Truly, this is a new way to learn many things. If you are an artist, this podcast on Creative Thursday with Matte Stephens will be right up your funky little alley. It is about an hour long, so get playing it, grab a notebook..don't worry, you can still move about the net in another browser while you listen. I found it via Decor 8. Be sure to check out Matte's blog and brand new site which he did himself. His etsy store is here and he also partners with Velocity and ReForm School. His formula: gouache, many cats, thrift store clothing covered in paint, going to work in his garage day after day, staying true to one's purpose and persistence. Matte uses the talent he has to tell the stories he is dreaming about. He paints for the people instead of for fame and glory. His art is his identity. He finds life and the world harsh, so he reflects the good parts of our existence in a fun way. For more 'happy' images like Duke of NY shown here, visit Matte's imaginary world. The best part for me was hearing a lawnmower in the background audio. That warmed my heart. You have no idea.


Anonymous said...

Thank you soooo much for the link!!
I absolutely LOVE his work and I can't wait to listen to the interview!!!!
You have a wonderful blog!
Thank you for the too!
Elsita :)


Elsita, Do you have a blog I could visit? Thanks for dropping by!

annechovie said...

Hey, I listened to that, too! Wasn't it great? Matte and Marisa are just so refreshingly down to earth and plain N-I-C-E. I love it!It was funny how they said they haad tried to be angst-ridden and deep and dark and they just couldn't pull it off - I could totally relate!