Tuesday 11 March 2008

Absolut Lost and Found

Well, we have a happy ending! His name is not 'Book', it's actually 'Chester' and he is a Shitzu-Bichon mix. Tearful owners, frantic arrived at our door a minute ago. Hey, I got a nice bottle of Absolut Vodka (which I insisted I don't need, but what the heck, we blogging gals love everything Swedish right?...). We will miss 'Book', especially Paige...is that a tear I see? Can you believe I actually found an ad that says 'Absolut Book'? The universe works is mysterious and magical ways. You have to love a good ending to a good book.


cotedetexas said...

Aw chat! so adorable!!!! what a story. You sure they are the real owners? Did the dog know them?


Ah, yes, I'm pretty sure. Leave it to you Joni to get me thinking...Now you have me paranoid..yikes..no, she was the real owner. She described him perfectly to the Animal Control people who called me and then I interviewed her too. Oh Lord.