I have a Love/Hate relationship with Hermes. I have never bought a thing there, but I would love to. I have never received a gift from there, but I would love to. I get such a creative rush going into their stores and filling my soul with inspiration. Founded in 1837, this brand is the ultimate in luxury. But, I have an issue with Hermes. I can't justify 'some' of their pricing. Am I the only one? Seriously, now be completely honest with us all here....would you or would you not buy a 36"x 60" printed terrycloth
beach towel from Hermes for $465.00 U.S.? (Better get the cotton toile
beach bag to match for $850.00.) Even if you are/were/will be/plan to be rich, rich, rich? Sounds like Pacific Coast Highway Robbery to me. (or the true definition of fashion 'Victim')
It always amazes me how these luxury stores thrive even in the darkest of recessions.
Personally I'm really a big fan of their boxes, (same with Tiffany).
May I confess it ?? I 'm in love with Hermes , For me they are the best .
I would die for a Kelly bag.
You are right they are pretty expensive and some articles like the bath towells are not worth it .
But when you see how they work , their tradition , for the bags it is all hand sewed , the leathers are the best ...
Well I cen just cry , and Hope some day my prince will buy me this dreamed bag ...
Beautiful but outrageously expensive. A senior manager at Hermes buys bags for his whole family at Place Vendome in Marrakech - you should make a beeline when you come:-)
I have the book Deluxe on my bedstand and cannot wait to have the curtain pulled on the luxury good industry.
However, I do love the Hermes look!
Let's say it cost them hmmm....$3.79 to manufacture that beach towel..so what's the profit margin? Time to start a fashion house.
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