When we are little it's the only word we have to keep us safe. No, don't touch the stove. No, don't put that in your mouth. No, don't go near the road. No, don't climb up on that you could fall. We set the wheels in motion for a lifetime of 'No's'. We grow up believing that 'no' is a negative word.
No, you did not win. No, you didn't get the raise. No, you didn't get the job. No, you didn't pass. No, you're too fat to be a model. No, you're not smart enough. No, you don't have enough money. No, I don't want to be with you anymore. No, you didn't do that right.
On the other hand, I think it's amazing to learn the word 'No.' It can liberate us. It is a positive word that can move us forward in our lives.
No, I won't settle for this. No, I will not quit. No, this isn't working so let's improve it. No, I think I have a better idea. No, I won't be disrespected. No, I won't accept that. No, I deserve to be free. No, I won't allow you to do that to me. No, I will not be discouraged by anyone. No, I will not leave you. No, I won't be controlled. No, let me try again. No, I'm not going to be overlooked anymore. No, I will succeed.
No is the word behind determination, persistence and vision. No does not create limitations, it opens doors. No makes you believe it can't be done. Actually the word 'no' gives you the opportunity to say 'why not?'. No is the secret word that lives in our heads. It can make or break you.
How has the word 'No' shaped you as a person?
I just love your photos , I hope you win your award , you are fantastic.
"no" can also be a relief. "no" you do not have cancer, "no" you do not have to go to this party.
sometimes just fear of someone telling you no is enough...
Thanks for your comments everyone! I find it fascinating to hear people's feelings on words - it's so darn interesting isn't it!
I have a problem saying no to people outside my little family. I get roped into more things that I don't want to do because I can't say it loudly enough, firmly enough or at all...so, it can actually be quite an empowering word!!
Thanks for always making me think...
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