Sunday 8 July 2007

The View From Here

Humid 'heat-wave' weather has moved to rolling thunder and sheet lightening. Tornado warnings have been issued for some regions west of us and our neighborhood is keeping a close watch on the black clouds blowing in. It has only been in the last 12 years that we have been experiencing wild tornadic patterns. I know it is 12 years because the day I brought my son home from the hospital (24 hours after he was born), a tornado ripped through our hamlet. It sounded like a train or a jet plane. Every summer since then we have had bad storms and the entire 30 years prior to that we never had one tornado. I've witnessed the fury in the wind and hail but I know that beyond every storm there is a patch of blue and a brand new week of creativity awaiting discovery. Life is good.

1 comment:

72 and sunny said...

it really does look like my beach a bit! crazy weather. sort of scary