
Thursday 2 July 2009

| Need Your Help

Yes, I have a little life dilemma. I would love your opinion, so here's the situation: I am away in the city (a few hours south of where I live) helping and supporting my cousin open her new floral boutique. I had made the decision to be with her for 10 days or so. I was going to go home next Tuesday. Today, I found out via s.o.s. phone call from my daughter that I had apparently promised my Mom that I would help her set up and run her garage sale this Saturday. I have absolutely no recollection of this date for the garage sale and it isn't written in my day planner (trust me everything is written in there) - I do remember a conversation on a few occasions about her (Mom) wanting to have a garage sale, but I honestly don't remember the date. My Mom is super disappointed and my cousin was counting on me to be with her for the next 5 days - lots to do to open a new shop - What should I do?


  1. can you daughter help your Mom?

  2. It's only a garage sale. Hardly a life altering event. Whereas the shop seems like this huge thing. I'd say drop the garage sale, not the friend.

  3. Stay in the City...because we're selling all your stuff in the garage sale..


  4. Dad, you're too funny. Love you. xo

  5. It's really hard to please everyone. I hope you don't get any guilt trips. Just do your best.

  6. Choose Mom. Always choose Mom.

  7. is the anonymous comment from mom? go with the gut - you dad's comment is v funny

  8. can you just go for the day?

  9. Go help mom with the tag sale and then go back to the city to help your cousin... that's what I'd do!

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  11. Heee. Love Dad's comment!

    Break away for the day to help Mom...then run back and help cousin...then have a big Martini and put your feet up.

    Isn't it nice to be needed??!

  12. I would stay with your cousin and finish the job... Your Mom will love you anyway!

  13. Well I am in love with your dad! So funny. Go help mom and then go back to your friends.


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