
Friday 24 July 2009

I Want Mhor

MHOR is a family business based in the heart of the Trossachs National Park in Scotland. Run by brothers and sister, Tom, Dick and Melanie Lewis it’s made up of the award-winning Monachyle Mhor hotel on the banks of Loch Voil, MHORFish (a fishmongers, restaurant and fish and chip shop), and MHORBread (a bakery, tearoom and shop) in nearby Callander. MHORTea at the Library Tearoom, open from Easter to October, can be found in the tiny village of Balquhidder, while the hotel is four miles further along the glen on a 2,000-acre estate which farms sheep, cattle, pigs and hens. Bread fresh from the bakery, eggs still warm from the hens, meat and organic vegetables from the farm and fish from the west coast of Scotland: their aim is to provide the finest Scottish food and hospitality.


  1. I must revisit my Scottish roots again at some point - here would be perfect !

  2. So Beautiful!Thanks for sharing your amazing pictures.

    I just recently started my Blog. I'd love for you to come by for a visit if you get a chance and say hi!

    Have a great weekend,

  3. Oh man...I want Mohr now too. family is from Scotland, too!


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