
Monday 29 June 2009

Oceana Whispers

That's the name of her new floral boutique; my cousin's new business in the big, big city. I've been here all week acting as marketing slash publicity slash designer slash worker slash peacekeeper slash psychiatrist slash best friend slash clown slash buyer slash personal assistant - you get the picture. How amazing to watch someone's dream coming to fruition. The walls, by the way, are painted a wonderful colour called 'Marilyn's Dress' (Benjamin Moore) with crisp white trim, black semi-gloss doors and a container of incredible furniture is on it's way for next week. Flower coolers are arriving, p.o.s. men fixing and prepping the credit card machine, plumbers, electricians - and friends popping in - nosy parkers. I am enjoying the 14 hour days. I know it's hard to believe but I am away from the internet (freak out) and did not even know that Bernie was sentenced to 150 years. What will the floral boutique look like when he gets out?


  1. That's a heck of a lot of slashes !
    & and away from the net ? !! x

  2. Good luck to Oceana Whispers! I hope she does well.


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