
Monday 8 June 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Silke Powers

Yes. This is their gate and this is their driveway to the house. Silke, a German native just started her blog Metamorphosis in March to share her life in Savannah, Georgia where her famous husband Professor David creates and teaches. Her very first blog post began like this: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain. I have to comment on a few wonderful bits: Silke has the cutest grey pixie cut - she has the courage to go for walks and photograph gators! - she is the most amazing mixed media artist - she has the best looking driveway I've seen on any blog!....if you get a chance today, drop by Silke's blog and introduce yourself. She has an interesting life. (as each of you do) I find it thrilling to meet new bloggers don't you?


  1. Hi there! What a surprise to find myself on your blog...thanks for the lovely post! I just want to mention that I wish this were the drive to our house... It's actually the drive to the beautiful Wormsloe plantation. Thanks for blogging about me! :) Silke

  2. It's me again - I just perused your blog a little more and really like it! I'll be back often to visit!! And thanks for thinking I have an interesting life... :) Silke


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