
Monday 22 June 2009

Mind Your (Blogging) Manners

This is a sample from the book from 1954:
Jewellery: A small amount of jewellery is in better taste than wearing too much and this holds good with either costume jewellery or real gems. Earrings:...never worn when participating in sports. Necklace:...A single strand of pearls may be worn when playing golf. Bracelets: Suitable for afternoon or evening wear but not on both arms at once... Rings: Rings may be worn at all times except on the beach or when taking part in active sports... Ankle Bracelet: A well-dressed person does not wear one. Wrist Watch: Correct when worn with any outfit at any time of day, with the exception of formal evening wear. Then a diamond wrist watch may be worn.
Give me your idea of 'Blogging Manners'. Now spill.


  1. What a great question. The only one that I try to abide now for the moment is trying to visit everybody who leaves me a comment. I am always so delighted that people "out there" visit me so I try to do the same. can't wait to learn some more etiquette.

  2. Oh dear Patti, not up to answering your question today, so please forgive my lack of blogging manners.
    Fab jewellery tips. Found myself agreeing (am I turning into an old fogey?)I'm pretty certain though that ankle bracelets should only be worn by 'ladies of the night' :)

  3. ok...I'd like to know where music fits in a blog. I've gotta say I don't like it...especially when I am sneaking a peek at night next to a sleeping hubs...then...BAM. LOUD music. Hate that.

  4. I agree with Linda. I hate when music starts blaring at me when I am sneeking in some extra blog time!

  5. did you read the new york times's article on wireless etiquette: "Mind Your BlackBerry or Mind Your Manners" June 22 2009 - funny and so true - especially the show-offs in the meetings!


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